Sunday, April 27, 2014

Visual Testing 101: The First Part of Testing and Tagging

Workplaces need fully functional electrical appliances and equipment to guarantee continuous operations. Moreover, appliances that work efficiently will ensure safety for the company. Through Sydney test and tag, companies will make sure their workplaces will keep employees safe at all times.

Test and tag is a procedure that checks the underlying electrical problems on appliances and equipment. These problems can cause fires and other accidents in the work-space. However, any deep inspection begins on the superficial level or visual testing. Most electrical problems can be detected immediately by noticing some physical damages. Your test and tag expert will do the following visual check or testing as first part of the procedure.

Checking the cord. Cords can be stretched due to loops or being stuck on tables. The problem is that stretching the cord may tear the insulation system and expose live wires, which may electrocute employees. The test and tag expert’s first order of business to see if the cord is flexible and durable enough to avoid stretching and damages. He will also see if conductors are exposed and repair the issue immediately.

Plug and socket connections. Aside from the main cord, plugs and sockets also undergo visual testing to see if connections are intact or not. Plugs tend to pull away from the main cord and result to loose pins, which can also lead to electrocution or sparks that often cause fires. Sockets are checked to see if the cover is properly installed and that no wire is exposed.

Covers and guard check. Covers and guards are often placed on switches, wall sockets and other power sources. Most of the time, damaged covers cause accidents like electrocution and grounds. A test and tag professional also make sure to check these components to ensure they are in place. If not, they may be replaced immediately to ensure total protection for employees, who often need to access these power sources.

Loose parts or foreign matters inside appliances. Appliances have several parts composing its build. Test and tag technician will check if they are all in place. However, some internal components like screws and others are not visible to the naked eye and they tend to loosen after some time or if they are bumped. Testing and tagging will make sure that these components will escape technicians’ eyes. Since they are not immediately visible, technicians will shake the appliances lightly and listen to possible ticking or clicking inside. These are common signs that some loose screws and remove them immediately.

Deep indents or engravings. Some machines need to engrave their machines while others experience bumps due to some light accidents. Test and tag experts will check if these dents caused damages on the electrical system protected by the chassis. Their expertise with machines help technicians know if vital electrical wiring's and circuitry lie underneath the body.

Test and tag professionals will do visual testing before doing the main procedure. This makes inspection more systematic and solve hazardous damages faster. Call today and allow a technician to inspect your electrical appliances and equipment to ensure workplace safety as mandated by law.

Learn more about the author: David Hall

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